Knowledge Center


Physician Productivity



The Challenge

The senior leadership of a pre-eminent specialty, teaching and research hospital, had been utilizing a key set of custom reports for essential business management purposes. This monthly package of data included vital financial measures as well as provider metrics, referrals, patient statistic profiles, and other visit statistics. The reporting package was created using data from the clients EHR system and its data structures, but with an upcoming transition to a different EHR system, it had been conveyed to our client the same package could not be recreated in the seamless architecture of the old system. Being of critical business value, exploration occurred as to whether or not data feeds could be created to merge with the old system. As a result of the analysis, it was determined the appropriate development resources simply lacked the bandwidth to recreate the custom reports in the new EHR system. In other words, the feasibility of completing the work in the necessary and allotted time frame proved impossible to attain.

The Solution

HSi provided a senior data developer with a focus in the new system to the client team. With HSi serving as the EHR system expert, and working with the clients EHR development team in a collaborative fashion, a plan was put in place to map the necessary data elements to correspond with the old EHR data structures. Supplemental data feeds were then created with the new EHR system’s financial and scheduling data to support the various tracked activities, and reformatted to work within the old EHR logic framework. Upon completion of the mappings and file development, the team tested every day before Go-Live and continued to make adjustments as needed. The data summary within the report package was created to run monthly, but the team continued to run the entire package every day following Go-Live so the client could monitor and question any unexpected data occurrences. HSi’s staff continued to be available to work through daily review sessions and within a few days, everything was running smoothly.

The Benefit

At the time of the first full month’s run, the package worked seamlessly; the running of the custom reports package was a “non-event” for the organization. For everyone involved, this was a HUGE success!

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